Frequently Asked Questions
It is an award winning Enhanced Due Diligence Cognitive Search and Crime Prevention Tool. It contains one of the largest databases of global sanctions lists, with millions of names of high-risk entities, politically exposed persons (PEPs), and persons in public life (PIPs). JAIE, our artificial intelligence engine harnesses the combined power of tens of Billions of dollars in research & development in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing from IBM Watson, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, to perform enhanced due diligence checks on subjects-of-interests the way human experts do, but at much faster speeds. It exposes patterns, connections, and insights around subjects-of-interest at a depth and speed no human expert can achieve on their own.
It is a cloud-based Enhanced Due Diligence Cognitive Search tool that searches over 1,800 global Sanctions and Person-In-Public-Life lists, with over 5M names (and growing). Its databases are updated multiple times per day thereby ensuring that the data is always current. SafetyNet Lite has Artificial Intelligence, so end-users don’t have to worry about missing pertinent information, as SafetyNet Lite automatically finds and highlights them. Profile reports can be printed out in PDF and stored securely in the cloud. SafetyNet Lite is cloud based, so there is no need for local hardware or IT support.
It is a cloud-based Enhanced Due Diligence Cognitive Search that utilizes billions of dollars of research and development in Artificial Intelligence from IBM Watson, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to create a Joint Artificial Intelligence Engine (J.A.I.E) that can conduct Enhanced Due Diligence checks at a quality, depth, and speed that exceeds what human experts can ever achieve on their own. Its Artificial Intelligence capabilities allows it to analyze information the way human expert do, but at a speed of hundreds of millions of pages per second. SafetyNet EDD combines the powerful SafetyNet Lite with a state-of-the-art multilingual cognitive search engine, that scans the internet in real-time, at a global and local levels looking for:
It analyzes data on the fly, which ensures that its Enhanced Due Diligence Profile Reports are as accurate and current as possible. When SafetyNet EDD locates information it deems relevant, it highlights it, summarizes it, and provide key insights from it. It allows end-users to conduct “deep dives” on subjects-of-interest, with it doing the heavy lifting and the end users adding their own notes. SafetyNet EDD can autonomously produce Enhanced Due Diligence Profile reports within mere seconds, allowing organizations to conduct more thorough background checks, in less time, than human experts can.
It is a hybrid cloud-based Enhanced Due Diligence Cognitive Search tool that gives organizations their own private copy of SafetyNet EDD running on dedicated hardware within the cloud. The hybrid cloud design allows companies to securely include their private data into SafetyNet EDD’s searches.
It is a hybrid cloud-based enhanced due diligence cognitive search and investigative tool designed specifically for law enforcement and military purposes. It combines SafetyNet EDD Enterprise with the state-of-the-art Facial Search and Visualize Connections tools. Facial Search is a reverse facial search tool that can receive an unidentified image of a person and with a high degree of accuracy locate the person within an image database. Visualize Connections is a cognitive link analysis tool that can graphically display the connections surrounding a subject-of-interest from information found within structured and unstructured data.
It gives companies the ability to monitor tens, hundreds, thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of data subjects simultaneously for risk and have that information delivered directly to 3rd party applications. SafetyNet Developer give organizations direct access to SafetyNet EDD via simple, but powerful APIs, which gives companies the ability to have around-the-clock enhanced due diligence monitoring of their entire client base. SafetyNet Developer comes with an initiative API Wizard to help developers quickly get started using its technology.

Industries where SafetyNet is being used:
- Financial Regulators
- Banks/Credit Unions
- Legal Firms
- Accounting Firms
- Financial Services Firms
- Corporate Services Firms
- Investment Promotion Agencies
- Software Developers
- Real Estate Firms
- Travel Agents